
“I thought so hard I got a headache.”

I have a memory...I was about 13 or so. I could have been as old as 15. I had a major headache. It's the closest I can say I have ever been to a migraine. It may have even been one. I wouldn't know. My mother suffers form chronic migraines. Anyway, every once in a while my TS triggers some major headaches. The tics cause my head to hurt. The more my head aches, the more I tic. The more I tic the more it hurts and so on.
On that particular day, I let it get away from me. The headache became so intense that I no longer had any control over it. I became hysterical. I cried harder and harder. My parents didn't know what to do. It got to the point that I could not stop crying. If I stopped my head would hurt more. So, I continued to cry. The pain was so intense that I could do nothing else.
I am sure my parents gave me some Tylenol or something. I don't remember. I also don't remember how that night ended. I remember the worried countenances, though. I guess I fell asleep at some point.
I never told anyone what really caused the headache. I have never shared the cause of frequent headaches with anyone. I have headaches that last for several days. I am on day three, right now. I awake in the morning and as soon as my consciousness recognizes the headache is still there my facial tics go to work. They begin hammering away with assorted grimaces and twitches. Fear not, the demon will keep this headache going.
I often worry that one day I will develop migraines like my mother has. I can't even imagine what that will be like.
A debilitating headache instigated and prolonged by the sufferer, himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking at these letters with a black background gives me a headache! What's up Tic Tic, how are you my dear friend?